Snippets from the interweb (25th February 2018)

Four articles on the death of Billy Graham

News broke last week that Billy Graham had died aged 99. It is said that no evangelist in history preached the gospel to as many people as Billy Graham. Whatever you make of him and his ministry, there can be no denying that the Lord used him greatly to bring vast numbers of people to real and lasting saving faith. Stephen Lawson offers three lessons from the life of the great evangelist. Also, John Piper offers this balanced reflection on Graham’s impact. The Gospel Coalition produced this interesting podcast that is worth a listen. Last, but by no means least, are 9 things you should know about Billy Graham.

Advertising Standards Authority probes billboards declaring ‘The Messiah has come’

‘Since when did religious advertisements have to conform to a particular interpretation of messianic eschatology? Since when was it the task of the ASA to discern between mythical symbols and promised realities? If the remit of the ASA now extends to determining theological orthodoxy, what hope is there for billboards proclaiming  ‘Jesus is Lord’?

The important link between pastoral care and church discipline

‘Pastoral Care and Church Discipline start from the understanding that we are united together in the same body. We are joined to one another. We have been loved and saved by God in Christ Jesus and so we are united by our love for him and for each other. We are called to abide in Christ. Our life is dependent on connection to our head. This flows out into connection with one another.’

Why do Christians still die?

‘I was recently standing at the graveside of a dear Christian friend when the question crossed my mind: Why do Christians have to die? Why can’t they just live and then go to heaven without passing through the experience of death? Although the wages of sin is death, and believers have certainly sinned, has Christ not paid the full penalty for our sins? So, why do Christians have to die?’

Self-righteous hypocrisy

John Stevens offers some thoughts on the sex scandal currently engulfing Oxfam and beginning to hit other third sector organisations. He reminds us of the moralism of the progressive left and the fact that we’re all, ultimately, in the same boat.

What every Christian must affirm about the universe’s origins (video)

Al Mohler – president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary – offers the essential minimum that all believer’s must affirm about the origins of the universe. I agree with him.

From the archive: The problem with our fellowship and four ways to improve it

‘There is clearly nothing wrong with seeking beneficial links and finding other like-minded people with whom we can work together. In fact, the Bible encourages such things. But all too often, it descends into mere networking – akin to some professional business meeting – and becomes more about what is useful to me rather than mutual support and encouragement. In the worst cases, it becomes little more than crass self-advancement. How many links can I make? How much can I make of myself? If you are a “big name” I will make every effort to speak to you, if you are unknown you are not worthy of my time.’