Snippets from the interweb (12th April 2020)

Yes, we really are living in the last days

‘We are definitely living in the last days. And yet the last day has not come. That’s how we talk if we use the vocabulary of the New Testament.’

Four cultural things I want COVID-19 to kill off

‘What kind of culture do I wish to see killed off, apart from the virus, and instead of the people who it is destroying? Here’s a few culture dishes I prepared earlier (after washing my hands).’

Jesus can calm the storm, but it doesn’t mean that he will!

‘Our job, is to trust and to bring glory to God in whatever circumstances we find ourselves, but – you know what? – it’s tough. It would be lovely to write that I know that God is going to preserve us all through this crisis, that he will still the coronavirus storm and that we will be unharmed – but I can’t.’

Why missing church should feel like missing family

‘As thankful as we are for technology, FaceTime just doesn’t cut it. I miss my family. And I miss people in my church as well. Every Sunday that goes by, even with our life group meeting on Zoom or our worship service streaming live, I long for the face-to-face gathering of the saints. Missing church should feel like missing family. Because we are family.’

Why the sovereignty of God is good news

John Piper: ‘Unplanned, un-prophesied, unperformed, un-purposed suffering, rejection, and murder saves nobody. They save precisely to the degree that they are woven together by God. It’s his work for us, and he saw to it at every level, in every minute detail, that it would be successful. There is no gospel without the sovereignty of God.’

50+ results of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead

Realised I was lacking much on Easter in today’s snippets, which seemed a bad oversight today. So, here are 52 things (one for each week of the year) that Jesus’ resurrection achieved. 

From the archive: Pray for what you’ve been promised

‘When we pray for the things he has promised us in his Word, we recognise that God is both able and willing to give us what he has promised. If we don’t bother asking him to do the things he has promised, it indicates our indifference to the gift and/or our disbelief in the giver. But when we pray for the things he has promised to give us, moved by the Spirit to pray for them, we both recognise the giver of the gifts and show our belief that he is able to grant them to us.’