Snippets from the interweb (28th June 2020)

Unbiblical manhood

As a fully paid up complementarian, I largely agree with Stephen McAlpine’s article. Any complementarian prepared to write the things referenced (see above article) is not acting on complementarian principles. I have no problem with people disagreeing with Byrd’s position but the comments she has received are unworthy of anybody calling themselves a brother. Worth also picking up Stephen McAlpine’s apology to Todd Pruitt here, where he apologises for the way he said some things in this article, but affirms that the substance remains.

Mixed up: ethnic identity as a dual heritage daughter

Identity is a complex thing. This one shares some of the experiences of growing up dual heritage.

JK Rowling and the transgender furore – 5 lessons for Evangelicals engaging our culture

John Stevens: ‘Transgenderism is currently the frontline issue in our culture, as liberal progressive activists have moved on from homosexual rights and same-sex marriage. Evangelical Christians, who seek to stand up for the teaching of the Bible about human identity and sexuality, can reflect on the experience of JK Rowling as we seek to engage the culture on these issues. There are at least five lessons we can learn.’

Why you should never take the mass

‘The question is this: is this a hill to die on? I would say, quite emphatically, that this is a huge deal, and I truly believe that this is a matter of the utmost importance. I want to give you three reasons why you should never, ever take the mass!’

The church should not be homogenised

‘Maintaining this diversity within a local congregation is a significant struggle. Going back to my childhood, we were given a clear, if subliminal, message that to be a Christian was to be middle-class. Sunday by Sunday, I would try to fit a certain stereotype, while being someone completely different during the week. This led to a dislocation between my real personality and my faith that I’ve struggled with for my whole life. That early formation, was not healthy. I never learned what it was like to be a faithful working-class disciple, I just learned to fake being middle-class.’

Jonathan Edwards’ disturbing support for slavery: some reflections

David Baker asks what we are to make of Edwards’ slave ownership and what lessons we can learn for ourselves. 

From the archive: Sacking off the commands of God for what?

‘The broad question is this: what do we want to prioritise ahead of the Lord’s commands? The more pointed questions are, is it really legitimate to forsake the meeting together of ourselves (which the Lord commands us not to do) in favour of running a marathon, albeit for charity? Is that justification a legitimate reason to sideline meeting together? To perhaps ask the question a bit more provocatively, what reason have we got for it being a good exchange?’