Snippets from the interweb (3rd May 2020)

10 ministry idols being exposed by Covid-19

‘The pandemic is forcing churches to do ministry differently and find new ways to reach people. But it’s also teaching us about ourselves and exposing weaknesses in our ministries. We asked several church leaders, “What are some ministry idols you see being exposed by COVID-19?” Here’s what they said…’

The apprentice

Tony Payne makes a case for the word ‘apprentice’ carrying the clearest sense of the word ‘disciple’. It’s worth listening to and helpfully captures some of what I have been arguing for in terms of theological education.

Pastor, you’re going to have to hammer it home

Stephen Watkinson comments on the need to keep making our points of application again and again if they are going to stick and outlines some of the issues that ensue when we don’t. ‘One of the things you know if you’ve spent any time teaching, let alone in church ministry, is that if you want someone to get something you need to teach it and teach it and teach it and then, well teach it again… If we want people to believe and act on something we will need to teach and model it – a lot! We have to hammer it home.’

Global and local

Eddie Arthur thinks about the way in which we can localise what are global concerns, drawing some parallels between local reactions to the Covid-19 pandemic around the world and how they speak to our similar tendency to globalise our localised theological concerns.

Faithfulness vs fruitfulness

Chris Thomas reflects on the tension between being faithful and being fruitful.

Awkward – the unsayable?

How do we respond when ostensibly good things come about as a result of sin? How do we react when we are asked to partake in the joy of another when their excitement is predicated on prior sin? What are we meant to say when those things are coming from our Prime Minister and being affirmed by fellow church leaders?

From the archive: Theological triage and the problem of divergent boundaries

‘I, of course, believe I am right and reasonable on these things. But everyone else seems to think the same too and they don’t agree with me nearly as often as they ought. I guess I am just pressing us to ask, how are we going to agree our boundaries together?’